Tuesday, November 23, 2010

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Multicultural is either good or bad to certain countries.Malaysia actually consist of hundred ethnics and Malaysia can be consider as multicultural country. Some people describe Malaysia as a melting pot of Asia and I agree on that. Not every multicultural country can growth peacefully , but Malaysia managed of doing this for almost 53 years. How we did that, we should thanks to our leader regardless which side they are. This is one thing unique about political scenario in Malaysia. We fight, we curse, we do all bad things except selling country(maybe DSAI alone trying and keep doing this). We unite when it comes to Malaysia. This is our country, this is our pride, this is our home no where else we can go...so be proud to be one of multicultural citizen of Malaysia.
The growth of Malaysia depending on the political stabilization and also the economic factor. In my opinion, we have both and we actually bless from all tsunami,volcanoes and etc. Thanks God we are here in Malaysia.
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