Tuesday, December 28, 2010

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Yesterday the Ministry of Education announced that the new KSSR will replace KBSR. For the time being, they will start with standard 1. The rest will follow the 'old' KBSR syllabus as usual. What made I a bit unhappy is why the implementation only for the standard 1. If you think that KSSR with a new 4M(membaca, menulis, mengira dan menaakul) will benefited students, why not you use it at all level. If there is a new invention or a new finding which it will benefited the student in their future development, so what to wait?Do it, implement it at all level because this so called 'new finding' must be studied before it announced. I might be wrong but I think this 'new finding' which is 'menaakul' actually has been practicing since my early childhood. It just a matter of 'branding' it to become a 'new important element' in our school education. However, I glad that MOE made some changes in recent education system where we can move together with other advanced countries. It just a matter of time which will determine either we are in the right or wrong side.. The best sample was 'Alam dan Manusia' where after lots of my friends took the Diploma in Alam dan Manusia and struggled in few years, at the end, they abolished this subject.....it's quite a waste and for me, the one who introduced the subject did not conduct a proper and study and evaluation. So, I hope that the new KSSR will success and my humble suggestion is to implement the new 4M to all level.
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